Hehehe...this was the article when I attend the prize giving ceremony at KLCC...the above photo was taken in Be&D Shop...so quite fun and next time hope got another chance to win more
See the photo beside...hehehe...that's my name..one of CELCOM lucky user which have been selected for the prize...worth RM6k++. X expect nk dapat gift tu...but rezeki tuhan nak bagi...Lucky me..
More promotion coming this Ramadan...so folks who use CELCOM post-paid you all better wait and maybe you'll be next lucky winner..
friends, this ad I found inside mainstream newspaper...you can see how Proton exxagerate EXORA to competitor product...wow...look at it seems like the compact MPV is the one which is going to be launch on November...
Have a look for yourself and kindly give your comments
Askum...kawan2 makanan nie aku jumpa masa gi JB...nama dia Kacang Pool...diorang ckp makanan ni asal dr singapore and then merentas sempadan sampai ke johor...best gak...cara makan roti buku tu dicicah dgn kuah daging kisar...so sesape turun JB try look for this delicious food..
What a cool saturday...few weeks coming dh nk puasa...pastu raya, hujung tahun and dh tiba tahun baru..semoga puasa tahun nie akan lebih mendapat keberkatan..